
Sustainability & The Fashion Industry

It’s the word that’s turning heads in the fashion industry: sustainability. Fast fashion is undoubtedly becoming a problem all around the world, and now it’s facing the music. A brand founded to combat a culture of throwaway fashion, we couldn’t be happier. Our Content Executive, Laura, explains why, with an afterword from our CEO…

The Problem of Throwaway Fashion Culture

Fast fashion is polluting our environment, more now than ever.

The fashion industry is the second biggest polluter behind oil. Fact. Fast fashion is destroying the environment – and it’s high time to consider the impact of our purchases and constant demand for new, cheap fashion items. Our environmental footprint is only becoming bigger, with big brands under pressure to supply stylish garments quickly and cheaply. Production takes it toll on the environment, as does delivery and the inevitable waste of throwing away clothes once they’ve been used.

To combat fast fashion, it’s more important to buy less, or buy products that will truly last. Maxwell – Scott supports sustainability in the fashion industry. At Maxwell – Scott, all of our products are built to stand the test of time. If your bag does break, or begin to show signs of wear and tear, just pop it in the post and we’ll happily repair it for you. As for the quality of our products, read on to find out why we take pride in our leather…

Maxwell – Scott: Sustainable Leather

We use stencils, not machines, to handcraft our Italian leather bags.

We’re proud to use vegetable-tanned, full-grain leather, crafted by hand in our family-run factory in the heart of Italy. This leather is taken from the uppermost layer of the cowhide, ensuring strength and longevity. Our leather is strong, supple and sustainable – it won’t fall to pieces like the cheap bags you may buy in high street stores.

Each of our lovely leather bags are handcrafted using stencils, not machines for mass production. This reduces pollution levels and adds to the individual story of your bag.

We are passionate about leather. We vow to handcraft products that are treasured heirlooms, rather than throwaway pieces. Investing in one single Maxwell – Scott bag is a no-brainer: it’ll last you for years and years to come, with no need to buy another. Timeless in design, our gorgeous Italian leather bags are suitable for workwear, casual wear and traveling, making them the ultimate, sophisticated and versatile fashion accessories.

The only tools needed to bring our bags to life, in the heart of Italy.

After all, heirlooms never lose their charm. You can pass a treasured Maxwell – Scott bag down through generations – they really do last that long, thanks to our robust, hard-wearing Italian leather. There’s something innately special about a bag that has a story, a history – with more memories to come. Your Maxwell – Scott bag can take you from graduation to a promotion at the office, to a loved-one’s wedding or a family holiday.

Don’t forget – all of our bags age beautifully, developing a much-coveted patina over time. Not only do they stand the test of time, but they wear it with pride. A high-street bag may last you just days, but our bags can be with you for life. Sustainability at its finest.

Shop smart. Let’s try to reduce the waste that fast fashion has nurtured. Now is a better time than any to promote the importance of sustainability in the fashion industry. We want to make a difference, and we’re sure you do too.

A Note from William Forshaw, our CEO…

Think back to your grandparents and the pride they had in taking care of their belongings. There’s something romantic and classic about it, right? Together, that’s what we need to resurrect. We need to follow in their footsteps once again and prove that fast fashion is not the way forward if we want to look after our world and lead meaningful, honorable lives.

Together, I really hope that we can get back to that way of thinking. I know most of you reading this probably already do believe that it’s the way we should go. It’d be wonderful if you could join me in passing on the message to your family and friends and hopefully, our Maxwell – Scott community can make a small but effective difference.

I hope within this article we have made you think a little about being more conscious in investing in belongings that will stand the test of time – whether for either an ethical or a sentimental reason.





For travel bags that are sustainable and won’t fall apart when you need them the most, choose Maxwell – Scott. We’d thoroughly recommend the striking Flero L and the handsome Gassano L holdall.

Ready to invest in a bag that could last you a lifetime? Discover our wide range of full-grain, Italian leather purses, briefcases and travel bags here.