
How Going On Staycation Can Improve Your Health & Wellbeing

We’ve all been there in recent months, spending hours doing overtime in our home offices surrounded by piles of paperwork. With health benefits to traveling including a reduced risk of heart attack and depression, we think it’s time to take a break. Here’s why we think going on staycation is good for your wellbeing, and why you really should book your next trip away…

A Sense of Freedom


Spending five days a week staring at the same four walls is bound to have an impact on your physical and mental health. Everyone needs a change of scenery. Whether this is a quick stroll to the nearest store on your lunch break, or a luxurious holiday in the Hamptons, a change is always necessary.

You’ll instantly feel a sense of freedom while traveling. There’s simply something refreshing in difference. If you’re tired of time spent on the couch, trade it in for fresh sea air or the soothing quiet of the mountains. As soon as you arrive, you are sure to feel a calmness sweeping over you.

State of Mind


Traveling gives you a valuable period of time to reflect on your life, loved ones and aspirations. Whilst working tirelessly on building our careers and successfully managing business relationships, it’s easy to lose sight of what you truly want. Use those quiet moments away to determine whether you’re making the most of your life. Think about how you could implement subtle changes to improve your health and wellbeing.

Mentally note what it is you miss the most when you’re away. Is it your family, your team at work or a particular friend? Or is there something, or someone, in particular that you feel grateful for? Focusing on what really makes you happy, rather than material things or work pressures, will greatly improve your mental health.

Embracing Change


New cultures are a welcome sensation to our bodies and can offer us a brand new perspective on life. Step away from your everyday routine of the office and immerse yourself in the lifestyles of different people. You may find their way of life far more freeing or fulfilling than your current lifestyle.

Substitute the city for the mountains. Really breathe in and experience those new sights and sensations. Write down the activities and interactions that you enjoyed the most while traveling. Try and incorporate these into your home routine. This will keep your everyday schedule exciting. Whether this is a love for meditation or music that reminds you of your travel destination, this practice will infuse energy and excitement back into your working week. Over time, you’ll find that this will significantly boost your mental health.

Improving Relationships


Traveling with friends or your spouse opens up a new, exciting adventure for all involved. Commonly, friendships and relationships can become overshadowed by the pressures of work, household or parental responsibilities. Going on vacation together can easily reignite that spark. It’ll remind you why you valued the relationship or friendship in the first place.

Happiness is key to your mental and physical health. It’s vital to take time out to relax and enjoy yourself with others, building on key relationships in your life. Experiencing new sights, sounds and tastes together builds a new dimension of your relationships with friends or your spouse. You’ll create special memories that you will both cherish forever, remembering details of your trip that will make you laugh together.


Don’t forget your trusty Italian leather travel accessories. Travel in style with the Flero Medium duffel bag – a stunning, robust leather holdall that will easily accommodate all of your travel essentials.

For effortless organization on your travels, pack the Torrino travel wallet. With ample room for your cards, passport and travel currency, you’ll wonder how you lived without it.

Ready to boost your health and book your next staycation?

Discover our range of premium Italian leather travel bags and accessories HERE >.